Privacy Policy

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Cookies – brief information


What are cookies?

"Cookies" are IT data, in particular text files, stored on end-user devices (computers, telephones, etc.) intended for using websites. These files allow you to recognize the user's device and properly display a website tailored to his or her individual preferences. "Cookies" usually contain the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number.


What do we use cookies for"?

Cookies are contained in the HTTP protocol, which is used for communication between the web server and the browser. It consists of: a key specifying the name of the value, the value and the lifetime after which the browser should delete the cookie. Their functions are mostly standard for browser-provided settings. Cookies are used to facilitate the use of the website and adapt its content, including our offers, to user preferences and to increase the usability and personalization of website content.


What cookies do we use?

Two types of cookies are used - "session" and "persistent". The first of them are temporary files that remain on the user's device until logging out of the website or turning off the software (web browser) - then they are automatically deleted from the user's device. "Permanent" files remain on the user's device for the time specified in the "cookie" file parameters or until they are manually deleted by the user. Cookies used by the website operator's partners are subject to their own privacy policies.

The "cookies" we use are primarily intended to make it easier for the user to use our website, for example by "remembering" information provided once, so that the user does not have to provide it every time. We also use cookies that allow us to adapt the content presented on the Internet (such as advertisements and photos) to the user's preferences.


Privacy policy and cookies

When a user uses our website, we use cookies to identify the user's browser or device - "cookies" collect various types of information which, as a rule, do not constitute personal data (they do not allow the user to be identified). However, some information, depending on its content and use, may be associated with a specific person and thus be considered personal data. Due to the store's policy, the data is encrypted, which prevents access to it by unauthorized persons.



Using the cookie technology used on our website, it is possible to learn about users' preferences - e.g. by analyzing how often they visit our website or what products they view most often. Analyzing online behavior helps us better understand users' habits and expectations and adapt to their needs and interests. Thanks to this technology, we can not only present the user with advertising tailored to him and, among the available offers, present those that will best meet the user's needs, but we can also create and present offers or discounts intended for the user that are not available to other people.

Opting out of cookies that allow you to display ads tailored to your interests does not mean that you will not receive any ads when using our or other websites - in such a situation, you will still receive the same amount of ads, but unrelated to them. his previous activity.

Access to information regarding users' activity on the Internet using cookies will also allow us to conduct market and statistical analyses.

The information collected and contained in cookies may be stored after the end of the browser session, which allows, for example, its use during the user's next visits.



Based on cookies, we use technology that allows us to reach advertising messages to users who have previously visited our website and on other websites they visit, including those belonging to entities cooperating with our partners.

The lack of connection between the advertisement displayed to the user and his interests and needs may be bothersome for him. We believe that it is more attractive and practical for the user if the message he receives corresponds to his interests and needs identified as a result of the analysis of his previous behavior, based on cookie technology. We are therefore interested in following the user's advertising content across different websites in order to deliver advertising content tailored to his/her previous internet activity.


Third party cookies

The cookies we use are primarily used to optimize user experience when using our website. However, we cooperate with other companies in the scope of their marketing (advertising) activities. For the purposes of this cooperation, the browser or other software installed on the user's device also saves cookies from entities conducting such marketing activities.

Cookies sent by these entities are intended to improve the effectiveness of presenting advertisements to the user that correspond to their online activity - third parties deliver advertising content to users.

Therefore, when you visit our website, our partners' cookies are also saved on your computer or other device. In this way, for example, information about products viewed or purchased is collected.


Deleting/blocking cookies

Remember that you can manage your consent to the use of cookies via the privacy settings on our website or your web browser.

By default, web browsers or other software installed on a computer or other user's device connected to the network allow certain types of "cookies" to be placed on such a device. These settings can be changed in such a way as to block the use of "cookies" in the web browser settings or to inform each time they are sent to the user's device. In this way, the consent given to the use of this technology may be modified or revoked at any time (blocking the saving of cookies in the future).

It is also possible to block third-party cookies while accepting cookies from us directly.

Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

Restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the website.

Please note that opting out of cookies will only apply to a specific browser. This means that the same actions will need to be taken for any other browser used on the same or different device.




  1. What document are you dealing with?

This privacy policy of the Online Store (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy" ) is for informational purposes, which means that it is not a source of obligations for the Customers of the Online Store (it is not a contract or regulations).

The information contained in the Policy is of a general nature. Detailed information regarding the processing of specific personal data is made available each time they are obtained in the content of the information clause placed in a visible and easily accessible place. This applies in particular to information about the purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data, the period of their storage and the recipients to whom they are transferred.

All words, expressions and abbreviations appearing on this website and beginning with a capital letter (e.g. Seller, Online Store, Electronic Service) should be understood in accordance with their definition contained in the Online Store Regulations available in the Online Store.

In the event of doubts or contradictions between the Policy and the consents granted by a given person, regardless of the provisions of the Policy, the basis for the Administrator to undertake and determine the scope of activities are always the freely granted consents or legal provisions. In the event of such a contradiction between the Policy and the content of the information clauses provided by the Administrator when collecting personal data (usually under the forms in the Online Store), the information that the Customer should follow is the information provided to him under the mentioned information clauses.


  1. Who is the Administrator of your Data?

The administrator of personal data collected via the Online Store (including the use of cookies or similar technology) or other communication channels with the Customer is Plus 44, with its registered office in Andijk 1919BC, Narcis 7, KVK: 91179947, TAX. NO.: NL004874490B47 (contact at the above address, e-mail address: hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator" and is also the Seller.

If you give additional consent, our partners may also be the administrators of data obtained on the basis of your activity on the Internet using technologies such as cookies.


  1. How do we take care of your data?

The Customer's personal data are processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ( OJ EU No. 119, page 1) (hereinafter also: "GDPR" ) and other currently applicable provisions of the law on the protection of personal data, i.e. throughout the period of processing of specific data. Personal data means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data" ). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, the economic, cultural or social identity of the individual.

The administrator takes special care to protect the interests of data subjects, and in particular ensures that the data collected by him is:

  • processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject;
  • collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • correct and updated as necessary;
  • kept in a form which permits identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed;
  • processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of Personal Data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

As indicated at the beginning, realizing how important the privacy of customers is, the Administrator protects not only people visiting the Online Store, but also customers who have provided the Administrator with their Personal Data using other communication channels, i.e.:

    • website and any other websites marked or co-branded with Facebook (including subdomains, international versions, widgets and versions for mobile phones), the principles of operation of which are based on the regulations made available in particular at https :// , provided by Facebook Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited (hereinafter also: "Facebook Website" ), including using the Facebook Lead function Ads aimed at direct marketing of the Administrator's own products or services. The rules for the protection and use of Personal Data by Facebook are available, for example, at: . The Administrator has no influence on the content of legal regulations of the Facebook Website, including those regarding Personal Data.
    • applications enabling the Administrator to conduct advertising campaigns on Facebook, including competitions.


  1. For what purposes is information about you used?

Each time, the purpose and scope of data processed by the Administrator result from the Customer's consent or legal provisions and are clarified as a result of actions taken by the Customer in the Online Store or other communication channels with the Customer. For example: (I) The Customer's Personal Data may be processed in order to grant, present or provide offers and promotions dedicated to him, as closely as possible to his preferences (which may have a significant impact on him) only if the Customer has consented to this (unavailable to people who have not given such consent); (II) if the Customer decides not to purchase via the Online Store, his Personal Data will not be made available to the carrier carrying out the shipment at the request of the Administrator.

Possible purposes of processing Customers' Personal Data by the Administrator include in particular:

    1. concluding and implementing the Service Provision Agreement (Account) or taking action at the request of a future Customer before its conclusion (we process your data in order to maintain your Account so that you can enjoy the benefits it offers, e.g. placing orders without having to fill out forms each time, access to your purchase history, managing your consents on the website, etc. and enabling you to use other services available on our website);
    2. concluding and implementing the Sales Agreement or taking action at the request of a future Customer before concluding it (we need your personal data to complete your order and perform the concluded contract - in particular to confirm its submission and to reserve or send the selected product to you, as well as, if necessary, contact you regarding this matter);
    3. receiving and considering complaints;
    4. conducting the competition, in particular selecting the competition winners and delivering the prizes;
    5. the Newsletter contract ;
    6. evaluation and analysis of activity and information about the Customer, including as part of automated processing of Personal Data (profiling), in order to present general advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts), regarding products or services of the Administrator and its partners, in a manner tailored to the interests of a given person the Customer (without significantly influencing his decisions), in particular for the purpose of implementing the Newsletter contract and market and statistical analyses;
    7. pursuing claims and defending against claims, also from third parties - when using most of the functionalities of the Online Store;
    8. fulfillment of legal obligations arising from regulations, e.g. tax and accounting, especially in the case of paid contracts;
    9. conducting correspondence with customers, including responding to customer messages.

In the case of an adult Customer, with his/her additional consent, Personal Data may also be processed for the purpose of presenting, creating, granting and implementing advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) dedicated to a given Customer regarding the products or services of the Administrator and its partners, to the highest possible extent. tailored to his preferences (profiling), as a result of automated decision-making, which may produce legal effects for him or her in a similar way, e.g. through a short-term discount dedicated exclusively to such a person for a specific product that he or she recently viewed in our store (option not available to persons who are under the age of majority or who are of age but have not consented to such action).


  1. What information do we use about you?

The Administrator may process in particular the following Customer Personal Data:

  1. using the Online Store:
    1. Personal Data provided in the form when registering an Account and placing Orders in the Online Store (in particular: name and surname; e-mail address; contact telephone number; address [street, house number, apartment number, postal code, city, country], residential address /business/registered office [if different from the delivery address], bank account number, and in the case of Customers who are not consumers, additionally the company name and tax identification number [NIP]) and other data collected while using the Online Store;
    2. Personal Data provided for the purpose of using the Newsletter , provided when using the contact form , or provided when submitting a complaint;
    3. Personal Data provided for the purpose of participating in competitions;
    4. other data, in particular obtained based on the Customer's activity on the Internet, including those obtained via the Online Store or other communication channels with the Customer, using cookies and similar technologies,
  2. completing the data contained in the Facebook Lead form Ads The User each time provides the Administrator with the Personal Data indicated in the form, which may include in particular: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number;
  3. By completing the data contained in the application forms enabling the Administrator to conduct advertising campaigns/competitions on Facebook, the User each time provides the Administrator with the Personal Data indicated in the form, which may include in particular: name, surname, correspondence address, e-mail address, telephone number.


  1. Are you obliged to provide us with your data and what are the possible consequences of not providing it?

Providing Personal Data by the Customer in the Online Store is voluntary, but is necessary to use certain functionalities of our store, for example, for the Customer to place an Order and settle it (conclude and perform the Sales Agreement), register an Account (conclude and perform the Service Agreement). , subscribing to the newsletter or using our forms.

Each time, the scope of data required to conclude an appropriate contract is indicated in advance in the Online Store (we mark the data that must be provided to conclude a contract/use a specific functionality), in other channels of communication with the Customer or in the Regulations. The consequence of not providing Personal Data may be the inability to effectively perform the above activities.


  1. On what legal basis do we use information about you?

The basis for the processing of the Customer's Personal Data is primarily the need to perform the contract to which he is a party or the need to take action at his request before concluding it (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR). This applies primarily to Personal Data provided in the form when registering an Account, placing Orders and concluding a Sales Agreement, as well as when subscribing to the newsletter . Also in the case of Personal Data provided to us in connection with a Customer's complaint, the legal basis for their processing is the necessity to perform / service the contract for the sale of the complained goods.

In the case of data processing operations for the above-mentioned marketing purposes, except for those carried out as part of the newsletter , which operates on the basis of the regulations, the basis for such processing is the fulfillment of the purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or its partners (Article 6(1) 1 letter f) GDPR), in which case the partners do not participate in the processing of the Customer's data. On the other hand, to the extent that the Administrator's partners may also have direct access to this information - the legal basis for such processing is the Customer's voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). In turn, presenting, creating, granting and implementing advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) dedicated to a given Customer, which are based solely on automated processing, including profiling, adapted to the Customer's preferences as much as possible, which may significantly influence decisions consumer data of the Customer, is based on the consent freely expressed by the Customer (Article 6(1)(a), Art. 22 section 2 letter c) GDPR). However, this only applies to adult customers.

For other (other) purposes, the Customer's Personal Data may be processed on the basis of:

    1. voluntarily expressed consents - e.g. people entering competitions (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR);
    2. applicable legal provisions - when processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation imposed on the Administrator, e.g. when the Administrator settles concluded sales contracts based on tax or accounting regulations (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR);
    3. necessary for purposes other than those mentioned above resulting from legally justified interests pursued by the Administrator or by a third party, in particular to establish, pursue or defend claims, conduct correspondence with Customers, also via contact forms (including responding to Customers' messages), market and statistical analyzes (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).


  1. Is your data subject to profiling and what does it mean for you?

For the purposes of presenting general advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts), intended for all Customers, in a manner tailored to the interests of a given Customer, the Administrator may become acquainted with his preferences, e.g. by analyzing how often he visits the Online Store and whether and what products buys. This allows for a better understanding of the customer's expectations and adaptation to his needs, without significantly influencing his decisions. Thanks to the Administrator's use of advanced technologies, the above activities will often be performed by the system in an automated manner, thanks to which the sent content will be the most up-to-date and the Customer will be able to read it quickly.

In the case of adult Customers, the above-mentioned analysis of interests or preferences will also serve the purpose of creating, granting and implementing dedicated and, to the greatest extent possible, adapted to them advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts), in an automated manner, which may cause legal effects towards them or in a similar way significantly affect them. influence it, potentially limiting access to them for other Customers (option not available to Customers who are under 18 years of age and have not consented to such actions by the Administrator). Our activities differ from ordinary "profiling" (e.g. adapting our messages and banners to your interests) in that their results may significantly influence your choices as a consumer, i.e. they may result in a very favorable, temporary an offer addressed exclusively to you based on your purchase history and behavior on our website, to which our other customers will not have access. The more often a given Customer uses the Administrator's services and purchases its products, the better promotions and surprises can be prepared for him.

The Administrator may also process information regarding the Customer's preferences, which may sometimes have the nature of Personal Data and were provided to the Administrator by the Customer voluntarily, including in order to limit the presented Products or Promotions to a specific size or to specific categories (e.g. men's/women's/children's products). ).


  1. Who can we transfer your data to?

Each time, the list of recipients of Personal Data processed by the Administrator results primarily from the scope of services used by the Customer.

The catalog of data recipients also results from the Customer's consent or from legal provisions, and is clarified as a result of actions taken by him in the Online Store.

The Administrator's partners may participate in the processing of Personal Data to a limited extent, in particular those who technically help run the Online Store efficiently , including communication with our Customers (e.g. they support us in sending e-mails, and in the case of advertising activities - also in marketing campaigns ), providers of hosting or ICT services, carriers or intermediaries carrying out shipments of Orders, entities handling electronic payments or payment card payments in the Online Store, companies that service software, support the Administrator in marketing campaigns, as well as providers of legal and advisory services.

As part of marketing (advertising) activities, the Administrator uses the services of third parties who use cookies in the Online Store. The catalog of these entities is detailed in the following points of this Policy.


  1. Is your data also transferred to third countries (outside the European Economic Area)?

As part of the Administrator's use of tools supporting its current operations provided, for example, by Google, the Customer's Personal Data may be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, in particular to the United States of America (USA) or another country in which the entity cooperating with it maintains tools for processing Personal Data in cooperation with the Administrator.

Appropriate security of the transferred Personal Data has been ensured by the Administrator through the use of standard data protection clauses adopted pursuant to decisions of the European Commission and data entrustment agreements for processing, which meet the requirements of the GDPR.

The Customer has the right to obtain a copy of the security measures applied by the Administrator regarding the transfer of Personal Data to a third country by contacting us.


  1. What rights do you have?

Each Customer has the right at any time to:

  • - submit a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office;
  • - transferring Personal Data that has been provided to the Administrator and which is processed in an automated manner, and the processing is based on consent or on the basis of a contract, e.g. to another administrator;
  • - access to Personal Data (including, for example, receiving information about which Personal Data are processed);
  • - request rectification and restriction of processing (e.g. if Personal Data is incorrect) or deletion of Personal Data (e.g. if they have been processed unlawfully);
  • - withdrawal of any consent given to the Administrator at any time, and the withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing carried out by the Administrator in accordance with the law before its withdrawal.
  • - object to the processing of Personal Data concerning him carried out in order to pursue the legally justified interests of the Administrator or a third party, in particular against processing for marketing purposes, including profiling (if there are no other valid legally justified grounds for processing overriding the interests of the Customer).


  1. For how long will we store your data?

Personal Data may be stored for the period of use of the Online Store (however, they may be deleted after three years from the last activity of the Customer within the Online Store), in the case of marketing activities - until the Customer raises an objection, and if they are related to cookie technology and similar, depending on technical issues, until these files are deleted using the browser/device settings (however, deleting files is not always the same as deleting Personal Data obtained through these files, hence the possibility of objection).

If the processing of Personal Data is dependent on the Customer's consent, the Personal Data may be processed until it is withdrawn.

In any case:

  • Personal Data will also be stored when legal provisions (e.g. accounting or tax) oblige the Administrator to process them;
  • We will store Personal Data longer in case the Customer has any claims against the Administrator, in order to pursue claims by the Administrator or in order to pursue or defend against claims of third parties, for the limitation period specified by law, in particular the Civil Code.

Depending on the scope of Personal Data and the purposes of their processing, they may be stored for different periods.

In each case, the longer period of storage of Personal Data is decisive.


  1. Will commercial information be sent to you (e.g. to your e-mail address)?

The Administrator has the technical ability to communicate with the Customer remotely (e.g. e-mail).

Commercial information related to the commercial activities conducted by the Administrator or entities cooperating with him may be sent only on the basis of the consent expressed by the Customer, including after accepting the regulations of the newsletter service.


  1. Cookies
    1. Who do cookies apply to?

Due to the fact that the cookie technology (or functionality similar to cookies) used by the Administrator collects information about each person visiting the Online Store, the following provisions of the Policy apply to persons who use the Online Store, regardless of whether they remain its Customers (submit orders, reserve Products or have an Account) (hereinafter also referred to as the "Visitor").

    1. What technology do we use?

The Online Store uses technology that stores and accesses information on a computer or other device connected to the network (in particular using cookies or related solutions) to ensure maximum comfort when using the Online Store, including for statistical purposes and for adapting the presented advertising content of the Administrator, its partners and advertisers to the interests of the Visitor. During a visit to the Online Store, data regarding the Visitor's online activity may be automatically collected.

Due to the fact that the Administrator may use solutions with functionality similar to cookies, please apply the following provisions of the Policy to these technologies as well.

    1. What are cookies?

A cookie is small text information sent by the server and saved on the Visitor's device (usually on the computer's hard drive or mobile device). It stores information that the Online Store may need to adapt to the ways in which it is used by the Visitor and to collect statistical data regarding the Online Store (e.g. which pages were visited, what items are downloaded) and data the domain name of the Internet service provider or the country of origin of the Visitor.

    1. Do cookies collect your personal data?

When a Visitor uses the Online Store, cookies are used to identify their browser or device - cookies collect various types of information which, as a rule, do not constitute personal data (they do not allow the identification of the Visitor). Some information, depending on its content and method of use, may, however, be associated with a specific person - assigning certain behaviors to a specific Visitor, e.g. by linking it to the data provided when registering an Account in the Online Store - and thus be considered personal data .

In relation to information collected by cookies that may be associated with a specific person, the provisions of the Policy relating to Personal Data apply, in particular regarding the rights of the data subject. Information regarding information collected by cookies is also made available, among others, in the content of the information clause placed in a visible and easily accessible place during the first visit to the Online Store.

    1. On what legal basis do we use cookies?

Obtaining and storing information using cookies is possible based on the Visitor's consent. By default, web browsers or other software installed on a computer or other device connected to the network allow the placement of cookies on such a device, and thus the collection of information about Visitors. In the web browser settings or as part of managing the privacy policy on our website, consent expressed to the use of cookie technology, including that of our partners, may be modified or revoked at any time (but some parts of the Store may then not function properly). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal (detailed information on how to withdraw consent is presented in the following sections of this Policy). The basis for processing the data obtained in this way is the legitimate interest of the Administrator, which is the need to ensure the highest quality of content presented by the Administrator by adapting them to the preferences of Visitors and marketing - including direct - of products and services of the Administrator or its partners, and in such a case the partners do not take participation in the processing of the Customer's data. On the other hand, to the extent that the Administrator's partners may also have direct access to this information - the legal basis for such processing is the Customer's voluntary consent.

    1. What do we use cookies for"?

The cookies used are primarily intended to make it easier for the Visitor to use the Online Store, for example by "remembering" the information provided once so that they do not have to provide it each time, and they also serve to adapt their content, including the presented advertisements, to their preferences. . Cookies are also used to increase the usability and personalization of the content of the Online Store, including presenting, creating, granting and implementing advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) dedicated to a given Visitor in accordance with his or her interests (only applies if the Visitor is of age and has consented to such action).

Using cookie technology used in the Online Store, it is possible for the Administrator to learn about the Visitor's preferences - e.g. by analyzing how often he or she visits the Online Store and whether and what products he or she buys. Analyzing online behavior helps to better understand the habits and expectations of Visitors and adapt to their needs and interests. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to present Visitors with advertisements tailored to their needs and interests and to prepare better promotions and surprises for adult Visitors who have agreed to this.

Based on cookies, the Administrator also uses technology that allows advertising messages to reach Visitors who have previously visited the Online Store when they use other websites.

    1. Can you object to the use of information from cookies?

The Visitor may object to the Administrator's actions taken for the purposes described above. If the Visitor expresses consent, including the presentation, creation, granting and implementation of dedicated advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) tailored to his or her preferences, it may be withdrawn at any time - however, this will not affect the lawfulness of processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

    1. What types of cookies do we use and are they harmful?

Cookies used in the Online Store are not harmful either to the Visitor or to the computer/end device used by him, therefore we recommend not disabling their support in browsers. The Online Store uses two types of cookies: session cookies, which remain saved on the Visitor's computer or mobile device until logging out of the website or turning off the software (web browser), and permanent cookies, which remain on the Visitor's device for the time specified in the file parameters. cookies or until they are manually deleted in the web browser.

    1. How long will the information collected by cookies be stored?

Depending primarily on the purposes and legal basis for the processing of Personal Data collected by cookies, they may be stored for the time indicated in point. 13 Policies.

Personal Data collected by cookies regarding a Visitor who is not a Customer will be stored until an objection is raised. The Administrator may delete Personal Data if they are not used for marketing purposes for 3 years, unless the law obliges the Administrator to process Personal Data for a longer period.

Some Personal Data may be stored longer in case the Visitor has any claims against the Administrator or in order for the Administrator to pursue claims or defend against claims (including third party claims), for the period of limitation specified by law, in particular the Civil Code.

In each case, the longer period of storage of Personal Data is decisive.

    1. Third party cookies.

The cookies used by the Administrator are primarily used to optimize the service of the Visitor when using the Online Store. However, the Administrator cooperates with other companies in the scope of their marketing (advertising) activities. For the purposes of this cooperation, the browser or other software installed on the Visitor's device also saves cookies from entities conducting such marketing activities, which may become the administrator of the Customer's personal data. Cookies sent by these entities are intended to ensure that the Visitor is presented only with advertisements that correspond to his or her individual interests and needs.

    1. How to delete/block cookies?

The Visitor may change the way cookies are used by managing the consents given in the privacy settings on our website or through the browser, including blocking or deleting cookies from the Online Store (and other websites). To do this, you need to change your browser settings. The removal method varies depending on the web browser you use. Information on how to delete cookies should be available in the "Help" tab of the selected web browser. Deleting cookies is not the same as deleting Personal Data by the Personal Data Administrator obtained via cookies.

For example, in Internet Explorer, cookies can be modified from: Tools -> Internet options -> Privacy; in Mozilla Firefox browser : Tools -> Options -> Privacy; and in the Google Chrome browser: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings -> Cookies. Access paths may vary depending on the browser version used.

Detailed information on managing cookies on a mobile phone or other mobile device can be found in the user manual/instruction manual of the given phone or mobile device.

It is also possible to block third-party cookies while accepting cookies used directly by the Administrator ("block cookies from third-party websites" option).

    1. What are the consequences of deleting or blocking cookies?

Restricting the use of cookies on a given device prevents or significantly impedes the proper use of the Online Store, for example it may result in the inability to maintain a login session.

  1. How can you contact us?

You can contact the Administrator at any time by sending a message by traditional mail or e-mail to the Administrator's address indicated at the beginning of the Policy, or by phone at the telephone number indicated at the beginning of the Policy, as well as on the Facebook website.

The Administrator stores correspondence for statistical purposes and for the best and fastest possible response to emerging inquiries, as well as in the scope of complaint resolution and possible decisions on administrative interventions in the indicated Account based on notifications. Addresses and data collected in this way will not be used for communication for purposes other than processing the notification.

If you contact the Administrator to perform specific activities (e.g. submit a complaint using the form), the Administrator may again ask the person to provide data, including personal data, e.g. name, surname, e-mail address, etc. ., in order to confirm its identity and enable return contact in a given matter and perform the requested action. Providing this data is not obligatory, but may be necessary to perform activities or obtain information that interests a given person.

  1. How do we secure your data?

The Administrator, taking into account the state of technical knowledge, implementation costs and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of violating the rights and freedoms of natural persons with varying probability of occurrence and threat severity, applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of processed Personal Data appropriate to the threats and categories of data. covered by protection, and in particular protects data against disclosure to unauthorized persons, removal by an unauthorized person, processing in violation of applicable regulations and change, loss, damage or destruction. Sharing information about the technical and organizational measures used to protect processing externally may weaken their effectiveness, thereby jeopardizing the proper protection of Personal Data.

The Administrator provides, for example, the following technical measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying Personal Data sent electronically:

    1. Securing the data set against unauthorized access.
    2. SSL certificate on the Online Store pages where Personal Data is provided.
    3. Encryption of data used to authorize a person using the functionality of the Online Store.
    4. Access to the Account only after providing an individual login and password.
  1. Links to other websites

The Online Store may contain links to other websites. The Administrator encourages you to read the regulations and privacy policies applicable to other websites. This Policy applies only to the indicated activities of the Administrator.

  1. Can this policy be changed and how will you know?

The Administrator may change the Policy in the future, among others: for the following important reasons:

    1. changes in applicable regulations, in particular in the field of Personal Data protection, telecommunications law, services provided electronically and regulating consumer rights, affecting the rights and obligations of the Administrator or the rights and obligations of the data subject;
    2. development of functionalities or Electronic Services dictated by the progress of Internet technology, including the use/implementation of new technological or technical solutions, affecting the scope of the Policy.

The Administrator will each time post information about changes to the Policy on the Online Store website. With each change, a new version of the Policy will appear with a new date.

  1. When is this version of the Policy effective?

This version of the Policy is effective from 02.11.2023